Café Promenade
in the Parktherme
Opening hours
Café Promenade
- MO - SA /8:00 - 21:30
- SO /8:00 - 19:30
in the Café Promenade
Daily from 8:00 am tp 11:00 am
Well refreshed, you can enjoy your spa & wellness day to the full.

Ice cold
Enjoy ice cream from Valentino – ice cream pleasure from Austria!
From creamy classics like Bananensplit and Nussbecher, over fresh-fruity like the Coupe Romanoff up to the specially created Steirerbecher you will find sweet sins on hot summer days on the new ice cream menu in the Café Promenade as well as in the Brunnenpavillon…
…or get your personal variation to go in a cup or waffle at the ice cream display case and enjoy it under the shady giant trees in the extensive park landscape of the Parktherme.

With the fountain pavilion, smokers and smokers have a comfortable area to linger.